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2024 dues are payable as of January 1st




Our newly-revised Bylaws now allow two categories of members. Membership is voluntary, and all members have the right to attend and participate in general membership meetings and social functions sponsored by the association. Members may also serve on committees, and attend and observe Board of Director meetings.


Active membership in OANA is open to residents of Old Arabi (defined as the area from St. Claude Avenue southward to the Mississippi River, and from Government Street east to Center Street). Annual dues are $20 per household.  Active member dues will entitle up to two adults residing at the same address to vote in elections and on other matters.


Associate membership is open to all individuals, firms, and corporations owning property, or owning or operating a business in Old Arabi, and all individuals and entities who desire to promote the purposes and objectives of the OANA. This class shall be a non-voting member. Annual dues are $20 per household or entity, and entitle two individuals to participate as outlined above.


Dues are owed at the beginning of each calendar year.

You can join or renew membership in three ways:

  • Pay online using PayPal ($2.00 service fee applies - for active membership click here, for associate membership click here, and for renewals click here ).

  • Mail a check to P.O. Box 112, Arabi LA 70032. New members: download a form to send with your payment (for active membership click here, for associate membership click here ). Renewals do not have to submit a form, just include your address and let us know of any changes or additions to your original application.

  • Pay with cash or check at any of our General Membership Meetings (forms will be available).


Our mailing address is OANA, P.O. Box 112, Arabi, LA 70032.





Alison Barrios, President
Gay Parvazi, Vice President
Troy Barrios, Treasurer
Linda Van Aman, Secretary

Sal Cusimano

Shelli Gifford

Nora Lambert

Izzy Maistros

Shirley Pechon


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